2012年1月31日 星期二


作業員偷書網上賣 年薪超過百萬


台積電員工 每人平均分紅約75萬


狗仔」轉行洗鞋 月收超過20萬


早餐連鎖點始祖 主婦創2億營收


一卡皮箱兼差 大學生月入七萬


 創意成就高價格 ,小飾品也可創造高收入

七年級生創業做餅乾 月入二十萬


 有特色的創業 ,可攻可守,又客製化 有前途

大四生靠賣爆米花創業 年收破百萬


 成本低 ,易取代 ,可以做 有時機錢的趨勢

七年級生賣碳烤三明治 月收40萬


 典型創業小吃 ,門檻低 容易被超越 一定要一直創新 有護城河 ,這是沒錢很好的創業

2012年1月29日 星期日

Top 10 Small Business Predictions for 2012

December truly is the most wonderful time of the year for small business owners. Besides the spurt in shopping activity, it's the time when business pundits provide predictions for next year's trends.
I'm feeling pretty good about my track record in picking winners -- you can check out my 2011 predictions post. OK, maybe most businesses didn't splurge on IT this year, but there were definitely more IPOs, QR codes gained in popularity, and cloud-based software and services were huge.
What changes in the business climate are just over the horizon as 2011 winds down? The overall economy is expected to grow just 2 percent, but your local mileage may vary. I've sifted through stacks of forecaster pronouncements to find the best bets.
Here are my favorite predictions for 2012:
  1. Volatility ahead. With Europe now teetering, economic uncertainty will remain the big issue for every small business owner, with 44 percent of owners naming it the "one thing that stands between where you are today and growing your company," a Guardian Life Small Business Research Institute study found. Winners will have flexible long- and short-term plans so they can shift gears quickly.
  2. "Right-time" multichannel marketing. Watch for new tools that will help business owners better analyze complex customer behavior and comments on various social-media platforms. Then, you'll use that data to monetize your business's social-media presencewith tailored marketing campaigns that reach the right customer at the right time with the right message, opines Joe Cordo on the MarketingProfs blog.
  3. More cheap online ads. Marketing will center around a move to low-cost online tactics such as paid search, says Kenneth Wisnefski, founder/CEO of the SEO firm WebiMax. "Merchants and retailers who chose innovative and less-expensive advertising channels including social media and paid search were rewarded well during the Thanksgiving weekend," he says in reference to the spike in online sales.
  4. Customers in charge. More businesses will involve customers directly in merchandise and marketing decisions, Susan Reda writes in STORES magazine. How? Here's a hint: If you aren't doing online customer polls yet: Facebook makes those insanely easy to set up.
  5. Mobile purchasing grows. "Those retailers not optimizing their website for mobile phones need to start as soon as possible," says Diane Buzzeo, CEO of ecommerce-software provider Ability Commerce. Research firm eMarketer adds that m-commerce more than doubled this year to $6.7 billion, and expects it to quadruple again by 2015.
  6. Credit gets easier. Business owners may finally get the capital they need, says Odysseas Papadimitriou, CEO of the credit-card portal CardHub. Underwriting standards relaxed this year and will continue to loosen up in 2012, he says.
  7. Services head offshore. Service-sector businesses will be in demand overseas, Elance forecasts. This year, U.S.-based contractors exported their services to more than 140 countries through Elance's freelance portal.
  8. Daily deals die down. Experts agree: The daily-deal space is oversaturated with competing offers. Also, many business owners lost money doing daily deals. Expect a shakeout, both in the number of deal companies and in the types of deals offered.
  9. Retail-format experimentation picks up. From pop-up stores to smaller-format Wal-Marts to food trucks, expect more retailers and restaurateurs to experiment with their store layouts. As the economy slumbers, retailers will look for ways to make cheaper, smaller footprints work, the Booz & Company's "2012 Retail Industry Perspective" report says.
  10. More collaboration. This one's my prediction: the small businesses that stay afloat will be the ones that reach out to complementary businesses in their town or their industry and find ways to help each other.

2012年1月25日 星期三


說到學習語言 只要你把時間排出來 然後養成固定的或是動態的學習習慣, 去背或是理解你想知道的語言 然後用你常用的一些字詞翻譯成你要學的 這樣幾句的練習 很快就成會成為語言高手了
像4hww 的去設計生活 接受良性壓力 的想法

2012年1月22日 星期日


國道湖口服務區》五星級休息室 駕駛享睡不想走


2012年1月18日 星期三


4hww   新富族, 拋棄言後的享受人生計畫,在當下創造奢華的生活風格,並使用新富族的貨幣:
時間 與機動性  = 生活型態規劃

 1: 如果沒有百萬美金 ,要怎麼自由自在,相百萬富翁般過活?
        如果可以不用40年,預先進行 迷你退休,先享受延後人生計畫的獎勵呢

  D:定義人生: 顛覆傳統錯誤的世俗觀逆念,引入新的遊戲玩法與任務,取代打擊自己的原始假設

  E :排除旁騖: 1: 只做重要的工作,縮短工作時間 (80/20法)
                       2: 縮短工作時間,只做重要的工作(帕金森法)

                  培養選擇性無知 >學會忽視 或重新導向 所有不相關 ,不重要無法運用的資訊和干擾
      養成習慣問自己: 對我而言 這項資訊 有立即.重要的用途嗎?
  練習 有始無終的藝術 ,
 打斷干擾與拒絕的藝術 , 耗時的工作  > 批次化,放心授權 , 未適當授權 > 規則與調整

 專注在立即行動 練習打斷干擾的方法

   A 自動進帳:

   L 自由逍遙:


彰化卦山燒 民國38年創立 81年二代接班 去日本學習創新 糕點製作,

 心得: 東西不便宜  ,價錢算中價  糕點 燒餅 都算精緻 但是價格 太貴了難以接受

 優: 東西好吃有特色 尤其是鳳梨酥 不像一般鳳梨死甜 帶微酸 口感好

 缺: 把台灣做的糕點售價向日本高 心態可議呀!

海瑞貢丸 創新

新竹海瑞貢丸 創立民國37年 到現在已經64年 了 這幾年不斷創新 尤其是枸杞丸 墨魚丸 這些都是把 傳統在進化變 不可能或是讓人WOW 的創新, 老企業 步斷推陳出新的 想法 士讓一個巨輪企業, 永續生存的關鍵 好的生意都是不斷創新 把別人的不可能變可能 就是你的商機了! 分享




語言網 鞭策以及督促進步

 學專心的網站 (因為現在人容易分心.多工的高速運作可是失速了)

 好書推薦網 心得網 電子&有聲書 


雲端 教學網 把雲端的任何相關綜合 然後販售間教學用在實務面 才會有話題購買及風潮

 公司業績大幅提升 或是改革顧問 




有本新書 衝了 作者是gary vayner chuk 賣葡萄酒 他是很熱情的行動派 做就對了 不要有任何藉口推拖拉之詞 人生也是如此 想到就快行動 去規劃 哪怕一小步都好 最怕想了 不動也不記錄 那樣基本上 是浪費時間的元凶 想到快做 才是人生最好的詮釋吧!